Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Supply Chain



This article covers the different aspects of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Supply Chain. The importance of data and the different types of Analytics.Artificial Intelligence  changes the way Organization  plan Supply Chain Efficiency.Implementing AI  in your Organization makes Business  more efficient.AI can give huge benefits to organization but only if implemented  taking in to account the different challenges and diverse nature of Supply Chain.



 Data plays a key role for any AI system to make informed decisions . The underlying Data layer has to be a gold mine for AI to work wonders.


How can AI be  applied in SCM ?


Chatbots for Sales and Procurement


There are multiple applications of Chatbot and we would soon have a article on what is a chatbot but  Chatbots can be used extensively in your procurement and Sales . Right from tracking a customers order to placing Purchase Orders. Sending Instructions to Suppliers.


Predictive Analysis  for  Machine Maintainence


Coupled with Internet of things  this can become a core system for deciding the down time.

It can also help a organization to plan its resources better.AI can use data from the sensors and process them faster than before which can be result in huge cost savings


Visibility to Demand


Anticipating demand and having a visibility to your customer buying pattern will always increase your  Sales and also help you drive Fulfillment much better. This requires lot of investments in your  Customer Order Experience .


There are many other implementations of AI in Warehouse Management , Order Promising. AI can also be used for Supplier Relationship Management .




Robotic Automation

The Key Components of AI are as follows :

  • Understand the various forms of data
  • Make decisions and Predictions and autonomously
  • Analyze inputs and create Knowledge Patterns
Around the world Supply Chain is adopting a lot of this new technology and expanding its reach to its customer and moving towards a robust Supply Chain System.
Our team has varied experience in helping clients in this Journey and also helping Customers understand  how they can significantly bring improvements around this area .


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